James and the Giant Peach

May 7, 8, 9, 10, 2025

Finding Nemo

May 17, 18, 2025


Directed by: Olivia Wohar

Student directed by: Sophia Burik

Produced by: Deborah Metzger

Music & Lyrics: Richard Sherman, Robert Sherman, Terry Gilkyson

Based on the novel by Rudyard Kipling


Bagheera – Madison Stock

Baloo – Anna Kieley

Jungle – Morgan Strano, Stella Schindler, Jackson McCrady

Mowgli – Phoebe Valentino

Wolves – Piper Bromberg, Eileen Drotar, Exodus Fleishmann, Harshi Tiwari, Mallory Valentino

Shere Khan – Riley Michelson

Shanti – Nishi Bhanushali

Kaa – Olivia Labriola

Coils – Katherine Landon, Jackson McCrady, Katie Sturges, Annelisa McAtee, Stella Schindler

Colonel Hathi – Kai Zang

Elephants – Annelisa McAtee, Piper Bromberg, Eileen Drotar, Exodus Fleishmann, Harshi Tiwari, Mallory Valentino

Baby elephants – Safia Akacem, Finn Metzger, Julia Mohring, Scarlett Ohm

Monkeys – Morgan Strano, Katherine Landon, Jackson McCrady, Katie Sturges

King Louise – Maya Anticole

Vultures – Katie Sturges, Stella Schindler


Lights – Adam Bolette

Sound – Deborah Metzger

Assistant – Abby Yeh

See our upcoming classes, camps, and productions at Paragon!

Paragon Studios
Fall 2021
Name: Age (if under 18)
Parents’ Name(s), if under 18:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Any medical conditions or allergies the instructors should be aware of?
Classes: ***Prices listed are for an ENTIRE nine week session (4 sessions per year)
Acting/Musical Theatre 1: ($140)(ages 6-8) Acting/Musical Theatre 2: ($145) (ages 9-10)
Acting/MT 3: ($205) (ages 11-13) Acting 4: ($140) (grades 9-12)
  Musical Theatre 4: ($180) (grades 9-12)
  Combo! Acting/Musical Theatre 4: ($285)
Private Voice: ($185.00) (You must have a time scheduled BEFORE registering)
Total for classes:
Copy fee: $5.00 All scripts and music provided.

If you have any questions about registration, please call before sending payment. Please send registration and payment to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Highway, Pgh, PA 15237

No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance. A $5.00 fee will be charged during the two nine-week sessions to help cover heating costs. This is an effort to keep class prices lower. (This means each student pays $10.00 total per year.)  There is a production fee charged in the middle of the year for participation in our show. This generally runs $30 for levels 1&2 and $40 for levels 3 & 4.

Private voice students – Missed lessons – Students may make up ONE lesson per nine weeks. Please understand that any lesson missed beyond the one per nine week session will not be made up and a refund will not be issued. (Any lesson missed due to teacher cancellation will be made up at the student’s convenience.)

Paragon Studios – Performance Basics
Fall 2018
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Performance Basics runs 6 weeks, Mondays, beginning October 1, 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($65.00) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios – Intermediate/Advanced Adult Acting
Fall 2018
Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Adult Acting runs Mondays, beginning October 1, 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($100) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios
Summer 2017
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Street Address:
City: Zip:
All checks should be made payable to: Paragon Studios

Cost: $150.00 per student.

Send to: Paragon Studios
8130 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
