James and the Giant Peach

May 7, 8, 9, 10, 2025

Finding Nemo

May 17, 18, 2025

Bethany Tonarelli


Bethany is a familiar face to Paragon audiences, having grown up in the student program. In fact, she holds the record for most appearances in shows. (26!) She was most recently seen as The Baker’s Wife in INTO THE WOODS. Other favorite roles include: Gloria in DAMN YANKEES, and as The Singing Telegram Girl in CLUE, Scarecrow in THE WIZARD OF OZ, Laurie in OKLAHOMA!, and Aida in AIDA.

She graduated from La Roche University with a B.S. in Business Management and is currently employed Client Service Associate at Castle Biosciences. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with family, friends, and her dog, Ginger, and doing the New York Times daily puzzles.

Paragon Studios
Fall 2021
Name: Age (if under 18)
Parents’ Name(s), if under 18:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Any medical conditions or allergies the instructors should be aware of?
Classes: ***Prices listed are for an ENTIRE nine week session (4 sessions per year)
Acting/Musical Theatre 1: ($140)(ages 6-8) Acting/Musical Theatre 2: ($145) (ages 9-10)
Acting/MT 3: ($205) (ages 11-13) Acting 4: ($140) (grades 9-12)
  Musical Theatre 4: ($180) (grades 9-12)
  Combo! Acting/Musical Theatre 4: ($285)
Private Voice: ($185.00) (You must have a time scheduled BEFORE registering)
Total for classes:
Copy fee: $5.00 All scripts and music provided.

If you have any questions about registration, please call before sending payment. Please send registration and payment to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Highway, Pgh, PA 15237

No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance. A $5.00 fee will be charged during the two nine-week sessions to help cover heating costs. This is an effort to keep class prices lower. (This means each student pays $10.00 total per year.)  There is a production fee charged in the middle of the year for participation in our show. This generally runs $30 for levels 1&2 and $40 for levels 3 & 4.

Private voice students – Missed lessons – Students may make up ONE lesson per nine weeks. Please understand that any lesson missed beyond the one per nine week session will not be made up and a refund will not be issued. (Any lesson missed due to teacher cancellation will be made up at the student’s convenience.)

Paragon Studios – Performance Basics
Fall 2018
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Performance Basics runs 6 weeks, Mondays, beginning October 1, 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($65.00) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios – Intermediate/Advanced Adult Acting
Fall 2018
Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Adult Acting runs Mondays, beginning October 1, 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($100) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios
Summer 2017
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Street Address:
City: Zip:
All checks should be made payable to: Paragon Studios

Cost: $150.00 per student.

Send to: Paragon Studios
8130 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
