James and the Giant Peach

May 7, 8, 9, 10, 2025

Finding Nemo

May 17, 18, 2025


I attended Paragon for six years and can attest to the high quality training that is produced here. No one else my age has the same maturity in not only their acting but in also the way they conduct themselves in rehearsals and backstage. All three teachers here have provided me with excellent training in singing, acting, and even dance. Recently I went to an audition workshop with a very famous and adored Broadway star and all the advice she gave I had already learned years ago  from my three instructors at Paragon. I also learned much more than how to take on a leading role. I learned leadership, friendship, and maturity. The environment that Deb creates is one that is inviting and loving. I was never afraid to be myself at Paragon and I always felt that whether I was in the ensemble, on stage crew, or leading a show, I was always important and necessary to the shows success. I will always call Paragon my home and will definitely be coming back for help with auditions in the future!

-Hannah, 2018 graduate

I would like to take a moment to endorse Paragon Studios as one of the top acting studios in the Pittsburgh area (North Hills) Deborah Loffredi Metzger runs a top notch studio for young actors as well as adult actors. I have had the pleasure not only to teach stage combat seminars for her most eager students but have also perform with many of them in various shows over the years. Deborah classes are run at high level of professionalism and she demands the best from her students. The atmosphere she provides is fun and rewarding on many levels for all those involved. As a professional actor and a member of Sag Aftra I highly recommend her studio for young actors looking to pursue acting either as a stepping stone to a professional career or for the actor wanting to step up their game.

–Tom M., professional Pittsburgh actor

I have been a student at Paragon Studios since 2010. The instruction for adults is top notch and professional. I have had the pleasure of being involved in three Paragon productions, and have found each to be extremely well directed and produced. Additionally, I know many of the teen students at Paragon, and they are extremely talented. Their education at Paragon has enabled them to excel in high school and college productions. I highly recommend Paragon to anyone who is looking to place their child in a professional education setting, that is nurturing and talented. Adults who have always wanted to be involved in theatre will find a place at Paragon that will teach everything from the basics to advanced techniques. Underlying all, is the emphasis on the love of performing arts.

–Rebecca M., adult program

Paragon was my home away from home. I’ve never felt more welcome and loved than I did with my Paragon family. I spent 3 amazing years under the direction of Deborah. During that time, I developed as a performer and gained the much needed confidence I needed for my college auditions. I was accepted for musical theater to many of the schools in the area including Seton Hill, Ithaca and Youngstown State university. I went on to move to Florida and accept a position as a performer at Disney World. Thank you so much for everything!

–Amanda B., former high school student

I am new to Paragon and I was a cast member of the recent production of 12 Angry Jurors. I don’t mean to be a name dropper, but in small roles I have taken direction from Hollywood directors Antoine Fuqua and Jessie Nelson. I’d have to rank Deborah right up there with them in terms of skills and dedication.

–Richard R., adult program

Paragon has been nothing but welcoming and wonderful. It was a blessing to find this place and the training I’ve received here is the best I’ve had in a long time.

–Carissa Z., adult acting program

Paragon gives me the training I need to excel in theatre. I have learned so much more here than I would at any other company in the area. This place is filled with friendly vibes that make learning and improving fun. It is truly magical.

–Robby Y., high school

Paragon has been far more professional than other acting schools. The show (prep) is done early and people are focused and respectful. It is by far the best acting experience I have had in high school.

–Rachel L., high school

Paragon has been so important to me these past years. The teaching is excellent and everyone involved is just fantastic. Paragon has helped me realize so many things about myself and helped me get into the musical theatre program at Point Park University!

–Julia S., former high school student

In just three years I learned more from Paragon than I have from any other studio. Deb is an extremely knowledgeable and supportive instructor who has taught me things that will benefit me far beyond my time in the program.

–Megan F., former high school student

I took classes at Paragon Studios for 5 years and I loved every minute of it! You truly become part of the family and the shows are as professional as they get! I still go to all the shows and am impressed every time. The training I got there was fantastic and the owner really makes her students knowledgeable about acting and musical theater as well as improving their talents. I gained so much confidence from going there. I’d recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone with a passion for music or acting.

–Paige L., former high school student

Paragon Studios
Fall 2021
Name: Age (if under 18)
Parents’ Name(s), if under 18:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Any medical conditions or allergies the instructors should be aware of?
Classes: ***Prices listed are for an ENTIRE nine week session (4 sessions per year)
Acting/Musical Theatre 1: ($140)(ages 6-8) Acting/Musical Theatre 2: ($145) (ages 9-10)
Acting/MT 3: ($205) (ages 11-13) Acting 4: ($140) (grades 9-12)
  Musical Theatre 4: ($180) (grades 9-12)
  Combo! Acting/Musical Theatre 4: ($285)
Private Voice: ($185.00) (You must have a time scheduled BEFORE registering)
Total for classes:
Copy fee: $5.00 All scripts and music provided.

If you have any questions about registration, please call before sending payment. Please send registration and payment to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Highway, Pgh, PA 15237

No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance. A $5.00 fee will be charged during the two nine-week sessions to help cover heating costs. This is an effort to keep class prices lower. (This means each student pays $10.00 total per year.)  There is a production fee charged in the middle of the year for participation in our show. This generally runs $30 for levels 1&2 and $40 for levels 3 & 4.

Private voice students – Missed lessons – Students may make up ONE lesson per nine weeks. Please understand that any lesson missed beyond the one per nine week session will not be made up and a refund will not be issued. (Any lesson missed due to teacher cancellation will be made up at the student’s convenience.)

Paragon Studios – Performance Basics
Fall 2018
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Performance Basics runs 6 weeks, Mondays, beginning October 1, 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($65.00) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios – Intermediate/Advanced Adult Acting
Fall 2018
Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
City: Zip:
Adult Acting runs Mondays, beginning October 1, 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Please mail form and payment ($100) to: Paragon Studios, 8130 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
No refunds are given for missed classes. Students are encouraged to be consistent with attendance.
Paragon Studios
Summer 2017
Name: Age:
Parent Name: Home Phone: (no cell here)
Parent Cell: Can this cell receive texts?
Student Cell: (If applicable) Can this cell receive texts?
Street Address:
City: Zip:
All checks should be made payable to: Paragon Studios

Cost: $150.00 per student.

Send to: Paragon Studios
8130 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
